Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Sites I Love Corner

There are many sites on ye olde internete that I like to visit but that don't link over there to the right. This is a recent find, and one I find myself truly inspired by. Plus, this lady lives in Chicago and thrifts at some of the same places I do! It really puts the fire under me to make some things, especially now that I'm going to be home for awhile.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

we got engaged!

we got engaged!
Originally uploaded by maelid.
No, it wasn't as corny as it looks. It was actually earlier in the day, in our rented flat, over coffee and lively conversation. It seems to have dropped my right this photo my face looks almost cubist. Must have been the disbelief! After 8 years together, we are finally going to be married and we couldn't be happier!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Les Zombies

I have jetlag zombie disease but I AM ALSO IN PARIS which makes it ok. Here are some views from our apartment window. 6th floor! Narrow stairs! Totally awesome workout!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Like Fine Wine

These Air France flight attendants are the classiest I've ever seen. This woman, her overcoat is so beautiful and her blush so meticulously applied I am in awe. I can't wait to be on board and pressing my call button and having her come by with hot water for my tea.

Also, I'm only flying international from now on. This terminal is full of top-shelf travelers, which I aspire to.
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God I love Austin

God I love Austin
Originally uploaded by maelid.

Monday, March 06, 2006

My own gutter helmet

I am currently barreling at top speed through suburban kansas city in a shuttle van. The driver of this van insists upon blaring Rush Limbaugh at extreme volume. So you thought business travel was glamorous? Uh, no.
Peppered throughout this program are ads for products meant to appeal to the people who live in these midwestern splitlevel homes that are flying past me. I wish I had my own gutter helmet right now. I would put it over my ears and listen to the tinny sweet rain.

Rush, you just simmer down!
Sent via Cingular Xpress Mail with Blackberry